• That was disappointing, when you grow up thinking your parents are progressive and then as old age and its symptoms happen their guards drop and you find out that they always had some racist tendencies. I guess credit to them suppressing them for so long.

      •  Conyak   ( @Conyak@lemmy.tf ) 
        64 months ago

        I am originally from the south but my mother joined the Air Force and we moved away after she divorced my dad when I was very young. I’m so glad that I was able to experience life outside of that racist bubble. I’m not sure how I would have turned out had I grown up there.

      • i really must be lucky because my mum and dad are as liberal and accepting as can be. i guess i was just lucky to grow up in massachusetts and attend a pretty liberal methodist church. my pastor growing up even hand wrote me a letter when i came out as trans and apologised for how some of the church needs to change.

        • How close did you grow up to Boston, or did your parents live in a city for a period of time? The closer you get to a city, the more liberal the population becomes, and there are some pretty backwoods areas of Massachusetts. My dad was conservative until he went to Boston College and worked at the bank collecting loans from the poorer sections of the city. Even Cape Cod had MAGA protesters yelling at the Bourne Bridge about the plan to house immigrants on the Air Force base for all 4 years of Trump’s reign of terror, and I could probably still find the Trump 2016 flag that I used to drive by all the time.

            • That’s pretty similar to me, though I grew up just over the bridges on the Cape. I always thought we were in a super liberal area being in Massachusetts (plus we were like halfway between P-Town and Boston), but as I got older, I was shocked by just how conservative it is there. It’s like a bastion of snowbirds’ summer homes and retirees who all care more about their property taxes than the kids who live there.

      • This, but it was more surprising for other relatives, aunts and uncles mostly.

        Like, Jesus Aunt Beth, I didn’t realize you religiously watched Glenn Beck and believe Muslims are trying to take over American by genetic conquest.

    •  oxjox   ( @oxjox@lemmy.ml ) 
      4 months ago

      I’m the opposite. I don’t need to see my Gen Z relatives desperate pleas for attention.

      My boomer relatives are relatively liberal and don’t feel the need to share more than the vacation they’re on, the cocktail they’re drinking, or their high score on candy crush.

      Edit: I assume the downvotes are from butthurt Gen Zers. I don’t mean to generalize, I can’t imagine anyone doing that when discussing an entire generation, I’m simply offering my own personal experience. When my cousin is posting photos of himself in a banana hammock and my sister is posting daily cringe videos of her words of “advice”, AND IG keeps trying to show me this because the algorithm is trash, this keeps me off social media. Right, I should just not “follow” my relatives. Or, I could just stay away entirely. It’s fine.