• I was a bit stunned reading the comments on that post. They weren’t just expressing displeasure with the blackout, it was more like “spez is 100% correct to kill 3rd party apps and mods are bad people”. My first thought was trolls/astroturfing, but maybe the rules of the game just change that quickly when an addict isn’t getting their fix.

    • FWIW, I saw a decent amount of discontent directed at the blackout in a lot of the subs I frequented.

      Some were confused by the mods and had no idea the 3rd apps were a thing. Some were ra-ra capitalism crowd mad that people are protesting the other site’s gawd-given right to price gouge. Some were mad the blackouts didn’t go far enough…

      I think the takeaway is that you can’t please everyone.

      This ain’t my first go as a social media refugee. I get they want to pull a Kevin Rose and cash out. Their board’s been fucking with everything I used their site for and how I used their site. As far as I’m concerned, they can get farked.

      IMO, the only thing preventing a mass exodus is platform mature enough to capitalize on their fuck-ups.

      • I’m surprised that more subs have been apathetic or disagreeable to a continued blackout. Everybody’s doing polls that turn into keep-us-open-because-community. As @MrJizzard said up above (how can I tag users on here?) maybe blind support for Reddit’s moves is just what happens when users are cut off from scrolling through their content.

        • maybe blind support for Reddit’s moves is just what happens when users are cut off from scrolling through their content.

          It is. Going to the discord of a popular sub I realized that the protest is something that only a vocal minority is willing to take to its end, whatever that is. Most people either don’t care or are too preoccupied that they can’t kill time on reddit anymore. There’s people who are advocating for removing mods just because the sub was closed, completely ignoring the fact that if it weren’t for the mods the community wouldn’t exist in its current state, the same mods who are the most impacted by the killing of 3rd party apps. I find it insane that people can be so self-absorbed and short-sighted, but that’s just how most people are.