Cyclone was supposed to be a safer dialect of C. Shouldn’t it have replaced C by now, while also adding some improvements and reducing the burden of legacy code?

  •  Gamma   ( ) 
    2 months ago

    From their site:

    Cyclone is no longer supported; the core research project has finished and the developers have moved on to other things. (Several of Cyclone’s ideas have made their way into Rust.) Cyclone’s code can be made to work with some effort, but it will not build out of the box on modern (64 bit) platforms).

    • I read their webpage, but it is really vague. From a legacy point-of-view, wouldn’t it be better to incrementally add better language features, and if there happens to be a huge, breaking paradigm shift, initiate necessary refactoring of code base?

      Basically, what I mean is something like:

      C --> Cyclone --> improved dialect v1 --> improved dialect v2 --> Memory-safe unintelligible future dialect