I have a 2010 Toyota Corolla. She’s been my trusty steed for the last 14 years and is in good working order. I recognize she won’t last forever, and if, god forbid (mostly for her) I get in an accident, I will need to get a new car. So what dumb cars do you drive, and what would you replace them with?

  •  oxjox   ( @oxjox@lemmy.ml ) 
    86 months ago

    For about ten years prior to 2020, I only had a company car. I’ve gone the past four without a car but I’m looking around for something to make it easier to visit family and take short trips.

    Not only is the cost of a new car mindmelting, all the crap they put in them now is detrimental to me considering anything made in the past few years. I would sooner opt for a car with roll down windows and an AM radio than have to drive down the street with a giant computer screen shining in my face pinging me with all sorts of distractions. And that’s coming from someone who spent over ten years installing car stereos and remote starts, etc.

    I don’t know what to do either. I’m looking at cars made around 2010-2015. I’d probably drive less than 2,000 miles a year but I’d still worry about wasting money on something that isn’t going to last me at least ten years. I also have a thing for cars that feel good to drive, typically German cars, so these cheap little Hyundais and such probably aren’t something I’d consider.