I have a 2010 Toyota Corolla. She’s been my trusty steed for the last 14 years and is in good working order. I recognize she won’t last forever, and if, god forbid (mostly for her) I get in an accident, I will need to get a new car. So what dumb cars do you drive, and what would you replace them with?

  • “Dumb car” is kind of relative. Computer engine controls have been around since the mid 1970’s. And while the first ones were not very good, they have become pretty darned reliable over the intervening years. And as someone who has owned cars and other heavy equipment with mechanical points and down draft and up draft carburetors, you won’t ever see me willingly own a car with any of that anymore.

    If you really want to minimize the electronics as much as possible, look at 1990’s to no later than 2010 models.

    Though to be fair, much of the problems with cars are caused by the accessories like power windows, door locks, air conditioning, and power seats. Those are far more problematic than the basic car itself.

    • When people refer to “smart” vs “dumb” cars, I don’t think they’re referring to the ECU. They’re referring to internet connected vs non-internet connected cars, in which internet connectivity is still a fairly recent development.

      I daily drive a vehicle with a factory tape deck and CD changer, where all the electronics work flawlessly, from the sunroof to the back window rolling down. My wife wants me to ditch it, but they’re going to have to pry the keys out of my cold, dead hands.