Evidently on a posting tear today. What happens when you’re stuck in a Dr.'s waiting room, I guess…

    •  520   ( @520@kbin.social ) 
      6 months ago

      Not really. It was initially called the Quinnspiracy, after Zoe Quinn, author of Depression Quest, an e-choose-your-own-adventure-book that got some coverage in videogame journals.

      Shit blew up when her ex made massive accusations about sleeping with the journalists in question. Then some actor coined the term Gamergate, and their targets expanded to then-journalist Anita Sarkeesian (I think she works more as a DEI advisor now) and indie game developer Brianna Wu.

      Make no mistake, the games journalism industry was not spotless, far from it. But the rampant misogyny in Gamergate cannot be ignored.

        • Here’s the thing though, KIA was only created after the banwaves and mass-deletions that happened across all social media (even 4chan). KiA was created long after everything started kicking off.

          •  millie   ( @millie@beehaw.org ) 
            16 months ago

            Could be, I guess. I found the whole mess through SubredditDrama, which was already a bit of a cesspool of its own. To me it initially just looked like part of the whole back and forth between a lot of the notable players and subs that tended to make a sport of fighting one another. Then it was suddenly this whole other thing.

        • I don’t see why we can’t take a look at it now. No one cares about GG anymore, and IGN has practically become the punching bag of the industry for their… interesting choices

    • Everyone has their own view of a movement, my introduction to gamersgate was through total biscuit and it was about ethics in gaming journalism but it then got derailed by a bunch of idiots and the people wanting more factual journalism and fewer paid reviews left because they didnt want to be associated with what gg had become.