Hey there, I am curious what everyone is reading and how you are feeling with it. I started demon copperhead yesterday, made it about 70 pages in and decided to read the first book in the chthulu CaseBooks. It’s a kinda retelling of Sherlock Holmes but with a Lovecraft quist.

I am digging it so far, about 50% through and it’s a fun ride.

So what are you all reading?

  • I’ve been chipping away at A Promised Land by Barack Obama, as well as listening to The 1619 Project on my commute (Audible). I’m really enjoying them but non-fiction always takes me so much longer to read than fiction. I can’t wait really get in the right headspace most days, so it’s more of a gradual chipping away

    I’m also reading a technical book, Domain-Driven Design by Eric Evans for a work book club I help run, and we’re taking that one week by week, and it’s a really good book in terms of what you learn. Bit dry to read though