• Lemmy users be like „I fucking love decentralized freedom“, until someone joins they don’t like.

    No, especially when someone joins that we don’t like. The ability to defederate is the freedom that comes with decentralisation. If there were no bad actors decentralisation wouldn’t be so important.

    •  Kichae   ( @Kichae@lemmy.ca ) 
      192 months ago


      There’s no “fediverse” to join. It’s not an actual place with boundaries and codified rules, beyond those imposed by the communication protocol.

      It’s a free association content sharing network, and free association includes the freedom to not associate.

      • free association includes the freedom to not associate.

        Reminds me of the Simpsons episode where the aliens campaign for the US presidency, and can’t figure out why “abortions for all” and “abortions for none” are both unpopular opinions.

        In other words, it’s about freedom of choice, not mandatory association.