• Yeah I would call myself a Zionist because it merely means I think they deserve to live in that area. Not exclusively like “from the river to the sea” or anything. A two state solution is Zionist.

      • Do you think everyone is entitled to found a country and start conquering the inhabited territories outside their borders or would you be satisfied with a secular one-state solution that grants freedom of movement and religion to both diasporas?

        •  sqgl   ( @sqgl@beehaw.org ) 
          6 months ago

          Outside their borders? Do you mean the 1948 borders when Israel was attacked by several Arab countries?

          Not everyone. The one group which was hounded and exterminated throughout history and gets woven into conspiracy theories to this day.

          Nobody credible is arguing for a single state. Two state is the best hope, although there are plenty of Arabs living in Israel.

          Israel is largely secular although Likud are doing their best to undermine that progress. Palestinians are largely religious extremists.

      • I would call myself a Zionist because it merely means I think they deserve to live in that area

        Actual Zionists will vehemently disagree with you about this. Zionists believes that they are entitled to a Jewish state in that specific location, not simply entitled to “live in that area”. Most Zionists would even tell you that a 2-state solution that does not give them control of Jerusalem, specifically, is not legitimate.

        •  sqgl   ( @sqgl@beehaw.org ) 
          6 months ago

          Sorry, I meant I support their claim to statehood.

          As for animosity towards a 2SS, that is mainly the Likud party who only scraped into power after 5 failed elections. Bibi has two prosecutions for corruption pending. He is not popular.