• So because he’s the CEO he shouldn’t be held to standards? Bold take.

    But sure, he doesn’t have to follow any standards. He can run Reddit in the ground as much as he likes. But he can’t expect the mods and the users to stay if he holds others to ridiculous standards while not caring a bit about his own standards.

      • Yeah, but what’s Reddit without mods and users? Tumblr.

        Most subs I frequented were actively looking for new mods because nobody wanted to do the job as-was. If he really kicks out mods en masse, who is going to replace them? They had difficulties finding enough mods when Reddit wasn’t actively fighting against the mods.

          • I have the feeling, the current mess will be enough to fold reddit into nothing. With that move they managed to piss off the mods and the users. None of the app makers is going to pay the fee, they are all just quitting. And with that, Reddit won’t be making more money but instead they’ll just lose users.

            If they are running critical as-is, this won’t improve anything.

            • piss off the mods and the users.

              Indifferent to reddit, always assumed it was an ordinary, profit-driven business that happens to host some turboautist tech subs that i like; kinda annoyed by the jannies.

              this won’t improve anything.

              Dunno. In spez’s place, i’d probably anticipate the pushback & appease devs & jannies until plan B was firmly in place be more diplomatic. Then again, know nothing about running social media sites or taking them public.

    • That is not what they said and you know it, don’t be obtuse.

      Of course the CEO of the company gets more freedom than you, a user. Guess what, if you’re in my house you have less freedom than I do. I can do whatever the fuck I want, because it’s my house. You do not get to do whatever you want in my house, because it’s my house. Bold take, I know.