yeah, I did that in my high school years.(80386~80486 years).
The jumper reset is neat cause you can then set the school computer to boot from floppy first instead of booting from whatever source it was set to.
So, how tf you have access to MB? Well, if you are much better at computers than most teachers at school, naturally they let you “help” doing the maintenance(aka, figure out what’s wrong, replace parts etc). I did those free labour so I can play some games during school hours, so that’s a fair trade.
In the past they had jumpers for the same purpose.
yeah, I did that in my high school years.(80386~80486 years). The jumper reset is neat cause you can then set the school computer to boot from floppy first instead of booting from whatever source it was set to.
So, how tf you have access to MB? Well, if you are much better at computers than most teachers at school, naturally they let you “help” doing the maintenance(aka, figure out what’s wrong, replace parts etc). I did those free labour so I can play some games during school hours, so that’s a fair trade.