• What’s crazy to me is it seems like they just want children to suffer. They want to force women to give birth, but then don’t give a shit about what happens to the children after. On top of that, it’s like they are trying to make them suffer even more for their parents being unable to provide.

    I could somewhat get attacking programs for adults. Still disagree, but I guess it’s the “they should be able to provide for themselves” mentality. But then doing this for children when they are literally unable to provide for themselves or have any responsibility for being hungry. Yes, let’s make the helpless children suffer.

    Disgusting times we live in.

    • They want to force children into the labor pool. Can’t afford to eat? Get a job Timmy! Oh and by the way if you don’t pay your school lunch debt, we’re calling CPS and taking you away from your parents. So get to work!

        • And where do they intend to place them once they get an excuse to break up the family?

          I think the rich well adjusted foster family is largely a TV creation.

          Maybe they’ll just straight turn group homes into factories.