Because they’re making Xbox Series games

(I was seriously thinking the new console was called “xbox one series S”)

      • As much as I loathe Nintendo’s business end, The xbox series has absolutely horrendous naming system.

        Nintendo fucked up mainly for Wii=> Wii U, Microsoft has been a shitshow since 360, mainly coz they picked 360 and didn’t consider what they’ll go to next.

        And the ONE moniker for a buttload of services is absolute bullshit when it isn’t the first device/product from that brand.

        And then they went to Series? That’s absolutely shit as a naming convention for a single generation as well.

        Stg the project names are a lot better than the final marketing names.

        Xenon, Durango, Scarlett. Definitely better IMHO.

    • I suspect that the intent at the time, perhaps before supply chain issues, was to have more rapid hardware iteration, especially on the back of half step consoles from the previous generation. Then they could say they have an Xbox 6S and Xbox 6X. And 6, as you might know, is a higher number than PlayStation.