• So far it seems that I just ignore it. The other day I was at the DMV and the lady helping me was pissed that I put female on my driver’s license application. Internally it made me sad but I tried not to express anything outwardly. Idk if that’s the best approach, but in the moment that’s what I decided to do.

    • I feel ya. I hate going to any government place for documents because people can do shit like that and get away with it and there’s no legal protections for trans people in my state.

      Those bureaucrats weld a lot of power and can make life hell if they so choose. You probably did the wise thing and bit your tongue as long as you got what you needed to get done. You likely won’t have to deal with her again for a very long time (if ever again).

      On the other hand, if there are discrimination protections in your state for trans people you could file a complaint against her.