• I mean, why not? If you’re not necessarily a gamer or need computing power for dev stuff, why buy the latest and greatest?

        In the end, buying new hardware every other release is also just consumerism. The performance of a modern day mid range CPU is absolutely overkill for everyday use

      • I’ve upgraded pretty much everything on this PC since I built it in 2010. Upgrading the CPU means getting a new motherboard and rebuilding everything. Basically it’s the last thing that isn’t easy to upgrade.

        I don’t play too many super graphically demanding games, it wasn’t until Elden Ring that the CPU bottlenecked the graphics. For context, I played Shadow of War and the the new GPU gave me better graphics and fps. Cyberpunk ran like shit but I got it on sale and wasn’t expecting anything really. Modded Minecraft and Cities Skylines had some problems as well but that’s only the CPU’s fault. For whatever reason Elden Ring is the first one for the CPU to bottleneck the GPU I guess.

        I have stuff in a PC parts picker list but I’m just lazy lol. I’m playing through Tears of the Kingdom on my switch right now anyways and occasionally playing Loop Hero on my PC so upgrading isn’t urgent.

        It’s mostly that I don’t want to build a new PC or pay someone to do it.

          • The biggest problem I’ve been running into is MBR versus GPT hard drive stuff. A botched windows update made me need to restore from an image. The windows image wasn’t working but had the underlying VHD files. I tried to restore them but they’re in GPT format instead of MBR. It took a lot of effort but I was able to get a crazy workaround using a tool called Macrium Reflect.

            Windows 11 won’t run on my system because it doesn’t have secure boot capabilities. To be honest that’s bullshit on Windows’ part. The metaphor I like to use is that it’s like a car radio manufacturer saying their radio isn’t compatible with your car because your car doesn’t have a car alarm and then advertise that their radio is secure because it has a car alarm. (Not that I’m dying to upgrade to 11 but I heard 10 is approaching EOL.)

      • I didn’t really know what I was doing the first time. I basically spent money I had saved up and graduation money to build it. I was fresh out of highschool. For example, I have a Rampage 3 Extreme motherboard because I thought I might need the 4 PCIE slots lmao.

    • I ran a 4790k with a 3070, was quite fun. Cyberpunk was a bit of a mess, couldn’t get north of about 40 even with low crowd density.

      I moved to AM4 and have a 5800x, although I’ve replaced the 3070 with a 7900XT very recently.