So I have absolutely zero experience, only drug I’ve used is weed, but I am wanting to begin to dabble… So I ask, how do I get started…?

  • Slow - that the most important part. Don’t jump into heroic doses of anything, take your time to see how you react.

    Also set and setting. Set is your mindset - being i a bad place mentally can really up your chances for bad trip. So does having something weighting over you. If you have important exam in a few days and are afraid if you’re going to pass, that might be a bad time.

    Setting - that’s the space around you. Make sure it’s safe, comfortable, etc. For your first time (at all and with new substances) avoid places like festivals and public and general, don’t do it in company you don’t know to well and don’t trust. Generally either your (or some friend’s) home or nature are preferable. If indoor clean up before, and make sure (or as sure as you can) that you won’t have any unplanned visits or phone calls.

    Also make sure you don’t have anything planned for next day. It may be intense and you may need time for rest and integration.

    Important part - surrender to the trip. Don’t fight the things that are happening it may be unpleasant.

    I’m not that experienced myself, but if you have more questions feel free to ask here or dm me