So I have absolutely zero experience, only drug I’ve used is weed, but I am wanting to begin to dabble… So I ask, how do I get started…?

  • Psychedelics can be a profound, life-changing experience, but they also have the very real potential of sending you, to some pretty dark places in your mind, and should as such be respected as the very powerful tools they are.

    preparation is the key to success

    First off, if you are currently on any forms of antidepressant medications, you should be aware that these can have an impact on your experience. Google how SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOIs, TCAs can interact/react with psychedelics. Not much empirical data exist, but theoretically, antidepressants can reduce the effectiveness of psychedelics, among other things.

    Second, buy a scale, and a test kit. I can not stress enough how important dosage is! Small changes in dosage, can manifest in significant changes in trip perception! In regards to LSD, google 25I-NBOMe … we dont want 25I-NBOMe… For LSD, get a hold of a Ehrlich’s reagent test kit. Its the best 20 bucks youll ever spend. For shrooms get a scale. When it comes to dosage, and what im saying here is VERY general, and should be researched further by yourself, 1 - 1.5g of shrooms or 60-100ug of LSD is a nice entry level dose. When it comes to LSD, pretty much all numbers on tab-strength are bloated. You will find claims that tabs are 150, 200, 250ug in strength, but this is almost never the case. Normally your “standard tab” can be anywhere from 40 to 100ug, where 100ug is a pretty rare find. That being said in most cases, after being properly tested, 1 tab is a pretty safe dosage for a first trip. if the tab is 40ug, you will have a mild trip, low on visuals, but with a nice headspace. 100ug offers a more “traditional” trip. If you are unsure about blotter strength, it never hurts to take 1/2 tab first, to “test the waters”, and then up the dosage in a later session.

    Third is “set” and “setting”. Set refers to your mindset, setting your surroundings for the trip. Google these terms. Plan your trip a couple of weeks in advance, set a fixed date for your experience. Make sure you have no plans for the day of the trip, and the day after. Get comfortable in your mind with the journey you are planning. Meditate on what you are trying to achieve with this, maybe make small notes to yourself. Its not uncommon to feel a bit of anxiety leading up to the day of trip itself. This is perfectly ok and natural. Even the most experienced psychonaut can feel this. The first trip should be in a safe space, like your home. Do NOT trip in public the first time. The most profound experiences usually comes through a solo-trip, but if you are planning to trip with someone, make sure you trust this person 100%. Preferably trip with someone who has experience. Interpersonal dynamics are greatly affected by psychedelics. For good and sometimes for bad. If you are tripping alone, tell someone you trust, that you are planning to trip. Avoid tripping in large groups the first time. If you perceive some people in your life, as the slightest bit toxic, then don`t trip with them.

    Practical preparations:

    -Clean your home thoroughly! Very, very important! Filth is really off-putting when tripping!

    -“Groom” yourself. Take care of your nails, hair etc…

    -Have easy access to liquids and light foods like fruits, i`m not a vegetarian, but meats usually turn me off when tripping

    -Have a comfortable place where you can lie down

    -Prepare music you enjoy. meditative, mellow, non vocal music usually work for me. Maybe google “psybient”, but then again…this is very individual.

    -Have drawing supplies on hand. Don`t be self-conscious about what you “produce”…watching lines form on paper is awesome!

    -If you smoke weed, then hold of on the day of the trip! Weed can greatly amplify the experience, and great care should be taken. If you are a daily smoker, then wait atleast 3-4 hours after ingestion before smoking. If you are a casual smoker, the wait until the very end of the session, typically 6 hours. Its nice to smoke on the comedown, but it can also rocket your trip into the psychosphere. Rule of thumb is: if your not able to roll it, you`re not supposed to smoke it

    -Make a trip-log. Write down the time of ingestion. I usually light a 6hr tealight candle upon ingestion, as long as the candle burns, 6hrs have not yet passed. Time perception can throw you on psychedelics, and this is a nice way to keep track

    -Stay away from other substances and alcohol on the day before, and the day itself!

    -Dont interact with your phone / social media while tripping, however tempting this might be. Put it on silent

    -Some psychedelics, especially shrooms, can cause nausea on the come-up. Its perfectly natural. Have a bucket on hand. If you have to vomit, then vomit. Its all good, and nothing is wrong with you.

    -Protip: Take a shit before the trip, even if you don`t have to…try!

    Other than this…seek out information on tripping and harm-reduction from reputable sources.

    You are loved!, happy tripping!

  • Slow - that the most important part. Don’t jump into heroic doses of anything, take your time to see how you react.

    Also set and setting. Set is your mindset - being i a bad place mentally can really up your chances for bad trip. So does having something weighting over you. If you have important exam in a few days and are afraid if you’re going to pass, that might be a bad time.

    Setting - that’s the space around you. Make sure it’s safe, comfortable, etc. For your first time (at all and with new substances) avoid places like festivals and public and general, don’t do it in company you don’t know to well and don’t trust. Generally either your (or some friend’s) home or nature are preferable. If indoor clean up before, and make sure (or as sure as you can) that you won’t have any unplanned visits or phone calls.

    Also make sure you don’t have anything planned for next day. It may be intense and you may need time for rest and integration.

    Important part - surrender to the trip. Don’t fight the things that are happening it may be unpleasant.

    I’m not that experienced myself, but if you have more questions feel free to ask here or dm me