It’s always good to be in control of your own content sources.

      •  ranphi   ( ) 
        31 year ago

        I also use Inoreader (on both Android and iOS). They have an app for both platforms as well as a Web interface. You can also usually access your feed with them in third party RSS apps (as long as the app supports it, of course).

        One odd/annoying thing about using their native Android app on Samsung phones that have high-rate touch interfaces - the app gets finicky about reading long-press touches (like when long pressing on an article to perform a “mark all above read” or “mark all below read” action). It usually takes me multiple attempts to get my touch to register properly with the app to be able to do those actions. (I contacted them years ago about it and they said they were aware of the issue but didn’t know when they’d get around to fixing it. Given how long it’s now been, I doubt they’re ever going to fix it). :(

    •  *ira   ( ) 
      11 year ago

      The Old Reader is supposed to be a clone that showed up immediately after GR closure. Not sure how good it is now compared to the alternatives.

    • If you happen to have a NextCloud running, there’s a “News” app, which has an Android client and it’s basically just an RSS reader. I’m still testing it out, and it seems to have some refresh issues, but generally it’s fine.

    • I was a Google Reader user since conception and it also hurt me when it was closed. I jumped through many options at the time and a few years ago I settled with Inoreader. I pay the membership, taking advantage of their discounts offered during times like Black Friday, etc.

      The platform is great, fully customizable and they have many options to create feeds if RSS is not an option.

      I am also an Android user and I use daily and heavily their app, which is really good, on par with the web version.

      I would totally recommend Inoreader then