After dealing with lots of bad PR from terrible decisions, Twitch now has to deal with one of its biggest streamers moving to another platform, Kick, with a deal larger than those of most athletes

      • I am pretty sure the minimum amount of hours he has to stream on Kick leaves very little time for Twitch. And with Twitch banning simulcasting for all users, they don’t even have to be afraid of that. It might even be better for Kick if he does go online on Twitch a few times a month as that will let more people know he usually streams on Kick now.

    •  Sleepkever   ( ) 
      1 year ago

      He can’t stream on twitch anymore if he broadcasts on kick though. Twitch just changed their streamer eula to say you cannot stream to any other web based live streaming service while streaming to twitch.

      Which in its own might be a reason for people swichtng to kick if they have a YouTube viewership as well.

      Twitch also tightened down on sponsorship in streams last week with such strict rules that they backpedaled due to community response. Seeing the timing of this deal makes me wonder if both changes might have played a party in xqc’s decision.