Growing up I enjoyed a book called “Six Ingredients or Less” which - you guessed it - featured recipes that used only six ingredients or less. Do you have a killer recipe or two that fits this theme?

Spices (dried or fresh) don’t count. Bonus points if it is at least somewhat healthy.

  • Tacos for sure. Throw your choice of meat (I prefer chicken), chopped cilantro, and some diced onion in a corn tortilla, then squeeze a slice of lime on top. It’s very possible you’ll need two tortillas per taco for some extra structural integrity depending on how much meat you put in there, but either way you’d definitely want to lightly toast those tortillas on a pan for a minute or so on each side before assembling the tacos to kick it up a notch.

    As a bonus, chips with guacamole is a great side for this that’s similarly easy to throw together. An avocado or two, lime juice, and some salt and pepper is all you need, plus your tortilla chips of choice.