But W.V. believes his daughter “is vulnerable and is not competent to make the decision to take her own life,” according to Feasby’s summary of the father’s position.

“He says that she is generally healthy and believes that her physical symptoms, to the extent that she has any, result from undiagnosed psychological conditions.”

Her only known diagnoses described in court earlier this month are autism and ADHD.

  • Compared to pre industrial humans, we live better than kings, and we work probably more like half less than they had to.

    And yet with more than enough food to feed everyone and 30 times as many vacant homes per unhoused person, people still starve and die of exposure on the streets.

    • Uh huh, that’s correct, and that is very bad and need to be fixed.

      What doesn’t happen anymore though is that 90+% of the population was continuously semi starving. What doesn’t happen anymore is 30+% of the population being wiped out from diseases. What doesn’t happen anymore is families having 12 kids so that 4 might make it to adulthood.

      I can go on for a bit, but suffice to say that life now is a hundred times better than life 200 years ago, even for the poor, hell, even for the homeless. Even the homeless still get some form of hospital care and food.

      Yes, there are still hundreds of problems that need to be resolved, that doesn’t mean that today were off worse than back then

    • Compared to pre industrial humans, we live better than kings

      people still starve and die

      Your entire argument is a false comparison between “we live better than medieval peasants” and “but people are still homeless”?

      You’ve heard the saying that “perfection is the enemy of progress”, right?

      • “perfection is the enemy of progress”, right?

        Isn’t there a difference between people starving when there isn’t enough food and having more than enough food you allow to rot so a small percentage of people can live as kings?

        You get how that is different, right?

        How many people dying while there are resources to prevent their dying is too many?
        Are unhoused people an acceptable sacrifice to Mammon in your view?