• French fries sometimes go in kebabs and stuff around here. When they’re on the side, that is awesome. When they’re just drenched in the sauce so you get a soggy pile of greasy potato, it is disgusting.

    Oh, and fruity beers suck: not just “notes of blahblahblah in my hipster IPA” which can be good, but “we literally put fruit juice in this stuff” which… can’t. I like beer, I like fruit. They do not, however, need to mix on my account.

    Sorta related: coriander (cilantro) is fine in moderation and I’m a sucker for a baguette. Once had a banh mi that had a fucking bushel of the stuff, tasted like being dragged through miles of dense shrubbery after someone yanked you out of the shower mid-shampooing. Also burning.