•  apis   ( @apis@beehaw.org ) 
    33 months ago

    When things are that bad, attending to the urge to pee combined with a strong addiction to tobacco are probably the main things.

    As one can postpone the former for several hours and the latter indefinitely, end up coaxing myself to get moving on one with the promise of the other.

    Then the cigarette makes me feel much thirstier, so this motivates me to make a cup of tea. Besides, at that point am already up and half way to the kitchen, so it seems less daunting.

    Getting low on tobacco is usually a good way to shove myself out of the house, and that means a good wash. Running out completely can be disastrous unless already showered & dressed, however with rollups can usually scramble together a final cigarette from unburnt tobacco in old butts & use thin notepaper if out of rolling papers.

    Isn’t ideal, but is what it is & whether this stuff gets me to the kitchen or out to the shops, other bits & pieces flow from there which might not otherwise.

    In general, pushing myself to perform good habits before things get close to bad seems best - sleep, hydration, nutrition, personal hygiene, exercise, housework, etc., but as they all seem to evaporate as possibilities in the blink of an eye, am unsure that they actually stave off much.

    •  jarfil   ( @jarfil@beehaw.org ) 
      23 months ago

      attending to the urge to pee

      Related factoids:

      • We start perceiving the urge to pee, when the bladder is only 30% full.
      • While lying in bed, we perceive less of the urge.
      • When we stand up to go to pee, the urge increases.
      • If it gets to ~90% full, there’s no stopping it anymore.
      • Getting out of bed at ≥90%, might require some sprinting, and/or cleanup…
      •  apis   ( @apis@beehaw.org ) 
        13 months ago

        If true, one can conclude I ought to drink more, being able to hold on for at least 48hrs, or that I have some glitch which aids bladder control.

        Do not recommend, for general comfort or urinary health, but wetting the bed is a distant concern.

        •  jarfil   ( @jarfil@beehaw.org ) 
          3 months ago

          That’s… a possibility.

          There was a study about a large percentage of the population confusing “thirst” with “hunger”, which lead them to eat instead of hydrating, which lead to overeating since food has a lower water content (than water, duh), when not also having a high salt content leading to more thirst (in a vicious circle), and being one contributing cause to overweight.

          I don’t think it’s a glitch per se; I used to regularly go only twice a day… until I put a 5L jug next to the PC, would take a drink every short while, and go every maybe 2 hours. Then, when lying in bed after surgery, I had to ask for an extra 1L container because the first one had kind of overflown… so yeah, the capacity is there (fortunately the sheets were all drenched in sweat, so had to ask for a change anyway).

          •  apis   ( @apis@beehaw.org ) 
            13 months ago

            Does not sound fun. Hope you’re well recovered from that now.

            Tend to be underweight, and should probably be eating more rather than less, but oh well. Wonky signals all round!

    •  hedge   ( @hedge@beehaw.org ) OP
      23 months ago

      🚬Dammit, I knew I should never have quit smoking! 😉 I should run out right now and buy myself some Camel Lights; they’re still like $2.50 a pack, right? Ugh, a pack-a-day smoker during college who never drank or had a sip of coffee the entire time. What a weirdo!