Lets not beat around the bush here, lots of people like to look at boobs and dicks.

Lemmynsfw was looking like a good place to go, but reading the “Loli” announcement thread where they equate drawn child porn to petite women, its clear the owner is not the right person to be hosting a NSFW instance for the majority of people.

Is there anywhere else that people can recommend?

There is undoubtably a need for such an instance. Can we discuss this like adults?

edit: UPDATE

Take this update as you will

I’m taking it as a backtrack, but it’s still not an instance I want to associate with.

Lots of people keen to offer their opinion of drawn picture of naked kids, haven’t seen any alternatives though

Edit 2: At this point I think their updated rules are good. It took a bit to get there, but in the end they appear to be taking a hard stance. Hopefully this is enforced.

I dont think it was a case of “whoops bad English” like they are suggesting, I think it was a total 180 backflip. This doesnt really instill confidence in the admins IMO, but im happy that they have made the right decision in regards to allowed content. Hopefully this is was just some early wobblies and the community can move on.

  • Beehaw was right to defederate many instances and so should we. Beehaw is crazy but not that crazy.

    Defederate these instances, what are you so afraid of? Some people here are going full throttle on the freedom of blabla, don’t listen to them. Ban this stuff, do you really want Kbin to be known as “this network”? Do you want this reputation? I don’t. If you want more then register to another instance which accepts this stuff but don’t drag all our infrastructure with you.

    Federating this content puts the servers of Ernest in danger.

    edit: downvote me more, I take it as a badge of honor because I know who it’s coming from.

    • I’ll just point out that I never suggested anyone defederate from anyone.
      As a side point though, lots of places had already defederated from lemmynsfw.

      I just want a NSFW instance that doesn’t cater to pseudo child porn

    • I want kbin to be known as a network that is neutral and federates with all other instances, allowing users to decide what they wish to see. the second something is defederated/blocked, it becomes a slippery slope of crying to block this or that, and taking away power from the users.

          • I believe illustrated child porn is illegal here in Canada, as well as other countries (not going to google it though). Seems like it isn’t in the US? I find it kind of shocking that so many people don’t see an issue with it, tbh.

            • Its not an issue for those you can seperate what they think is ok from what they think should be allowable due to peoples personal freedom. A drawing is a creation of an artist from some sort of media. When its created, no one gets hurt. When its consumed, no one gets hurt. Will I be a consumer. Nope but I also believe in legalization of prositution without planning to go to one. I was for marijuana legalization and have never used it. Rights are not just about what I think is fine.

            • server host’s laws. the goal being to avoid legal takedowns. I’m a free speech maximalist. The only thing that should ever be taken down IMO is nonconsensual nsfw photos/videos. So cp, revenge porn, deepfakes, etc. along with literal off-topic spam (spammy affiliate links).

              • Well, what if do want that? What should be of my sever that is set up in a country where said content was legal? I’m well aware I’m making more of a hypothetical statement here, but I believe that kinda stuff doesn’t really have a place being blatantly public to everyone by default. I can empathize with free speech but I do believe there needs to be at least some sort of soft barriers.

                Also, “avoiding legal takedowns” is kinda sus. I’m sure you didn’t mean anything by it but it really isn’t a strong opener when talking about porn.

                • What should be of my sever that is set up in a country where said content was legal?

                  If you wish to see such content and such content is legal in your area, then you should be free to have an instance that does that. Personally I would support defederating from such a service. These are not merely a preference of content, but rather things that have actual harm to actual people.

                  but I believe that kinda stuff doesn’t really have a place being blatantly public to everyone by default.

                  “federated” and “public to everyone by default” are two entirely different things. I agree, that nsfw content of any kind shouldn’t be public front page “to everyone by default”. That doesn’t mean we should defederate from nsfw instances.

                  Also, “avoiding legal takedowns” is kinda sus. I’m sure you didn’t mean anything by it but it really isn’t a strong opener when talking about porn.

                  Keep in mind that legality of nsfw content varies wildly per region. For example, japan explicitly bans any nsfw materials showing genitals that are not blurred/pixelated. So if a server is hosted in japan, then it’s expected that that sort of content (uncensored genitals) would be banned/defederated in order to stay compliant with the laws of the region. Similarly, a server hosted in the middle east might be expected to ban/defederate from instances home to imagery of muhammad, or of nsfw lgbt content.

                  • Personally I would support defederating from such a service. These are not merely a preference of content, but rather things that have actual harm to actual people.

                    Agreed. Could you further clarify you stance above then, about kbin being federated all other instances?

                    “federated” and “public to everyone by default” are two entirely different things.

                    Yeah, I’m pretty new here it probably shows. I’m aware it isn’t exactly like that and I didn’t know at the moment (and still don’t) how to put my thoughts into words.

                    Keep in mind that legality of nsfw content varies wildly per region.

                    I can appreciate avoiding the law for what could be described as “socially just” reasons. I just think that opening with that may unintentionally include harmful subjects, such as the ones you have listed above.

        •  Aeonx   ( ) 
          1 year ago

          I think each person should be allowed to choose what that line is for them, and not have that line chosen for them.

          Disclaimer: I was a victim of child SA, I do not support or condone SA. But I DO support pedophiles who have never and will never act on their desires having a SAFE NONVIOLENT FICTIONAL outlet for their perverted fantasies, if anything so they don’t take that shit out on innocent children.

      • Eh, I get the principle, and we should definitely be less trigger-happy about defederating than beehaw, but if a server starts tolerating a bunch of drawn CP, we should probably just defederate. That being said, it seems like lemmynsfw is prohibiting it, so I say we keep federating with them unless it becomes clear they won’t actually enforce that rule.

        No reason to cut ourselves off from half the nsfw communities on the fediverse unless we have to.