Share your interests, whether niche or common. I’ve figured news tends to skew negative, and I’d like to see the hive talk about what they love rather than what they hate.


  • Decades ago, I discovered that there are 4 dimensions that need to be covered, in balance, in community news:

    • the Strategic issues, 7+y as a rough guideline, for significance
    • the Tactical issues, 1-3y as a rough guideline
    • the little Pervasive annoyances that never get given a headline, but are a “tax” on people’s wellbeing
    • Grow The Good!! community, culture, accomplishments, anchoring people’s hope, humanity, validity, etc.

    Leaving-out any 1 of those 4 dimensions has long-term costs.

    this is just what one autist discovered, it doesn’t mean you have to think there’s any validity in the concept.