• Just so everyone knows, you can’t really transplant dead organs (at least not as safely or with the success of live organs).

    They can only use your organs if you die in a hospital setting. They will keep pumping blood to your organs after you die to keep them “fresh” and “alive.”

    Post-death organ transfer exists but is way more risky than an organ that was recently in a living, functioning body.

    So if you’ve ever considered it, keep in mind that you have to die at a hospital for it to happen, and even then, they’re still technically forcing your body to be alive to keep these organs alive.

    Source: Friend who lost his leg to amputation during a COVID-coma. They didn’t think he would make it. He woke up in the donor ward. EDIT: Just to be clear, this happened during peak COVID before the vaccines when bodies were just piling up everywhere. I don’t think a coma patient waking up in the donor ward is a normal thing, I think it happened because COVID was a fucked up situation and people were overwhelmed.

    • What does it even look like when you wake up in a donor ward? Was he a write-off and the doctors were just like ‘oh shit, he’s awake’? Do non-donors simply get disposed of instead of being brought there?

      • He’s older and it’s been tough to get explicit details from him, but yeah it sounds like because it was during COVID and beds for bodies were so scarce, on top of the fact that they didn’t have high hopes for him surviving (so many people his age with COVID just never made it), that they were keeping in there for simplicity’s sake. Anyway, it spurred me to begin looking into organ donation actually functions, and I mean, it makes sense, I just hadn’t really thought about it before that you technically have to have your body being kept alive to be able to donate the organs. A rotting organ probably isn’t very useful. That’s why it usually happens with terminal patients where the outcome is 100% they are gonna die. During COVID, with bodies piling up, and lack of open beds in hospitals, it at least makes sense to me that he would have ended up there, in case he didn’t wake up. It was pandemonium, at the time. Sadly, it seems to have kind of messed with his head to wake up in that situation, he’s a lot less trustful of doctors now.