I was thinking of installing a shade sail to my house with 2 of the points anchored to my house. The type of sail I’m installing is a square type I found on Amazon. Does anyone have any thoughts on whether this is safe in the event of high winds? Some videos I’ve found suggests the most you need to do is make sure you’re tying into the end of a roof rafter… I know how to locate that, but I’m still a little nervous high winds could damage that part of my roof. Anyone have experience with this? Am I being too paranoid with this as a concern?

  • I would recommend doing something like what I did in this photo. I originally just did a simple hook like you posted, but some very high winds bent it, and it was somewhat loose - I still don’t know how it stayed in.

    I cut a piece of angled steel, drilled holes, and painted with white Plastidip. Then used some nylon spacers with the marine hook. I have not had any issues at all, it’s been 7 months and they’re rock solid.