Hi y’all, I’ve been (slowly) doing my transition for almost 2 years now and it’s mostly good. I didn’t really have any plan in place when I started, just the vague idea of maybe transitioning. I think I’m running into this problem because of how my brain developed. I’m really bad at planning out past a year because all my life I assumed I wouldn’t make it past 21. So, is there some sort of guide on the steps of transition? Preferably a wiki sort of thing. I’ve looked a bit but nothing has caught my eye.

It’s not super important but it’d really help me figure out how to proceed. Like okay, I’m on HRT and that’s going fine, so now what? I guess I’m a bit lost.

  • I’m not affiliated with it other than just liking it. I’ve found the Solace app to be super helpful. Like others have said, everyone’s transition is different. We all choose different paths, different options. Transition isn’t a one size fits all process. I like the solace app because it lays out possibilities for you to pick and choose and then you can work on them at your own pace. It even gives guides on how to accomplish the goal.
