I likely accidentally counted people twice or skipped someone, but regardless here’s a general idea of the makeup of our population from the sample size of the post I made.

Also, it shortened transmasculine/feminine nonbinary on the graph.

I typed in the value for cis women as zero, and it didn’t show up on the chart so keep that in mind.

  • Interesting result. While there is no evidence suggesting the general population is out of balance when it comes to ratios of transfemme vs transmasc identities, my observation is hat online expression is biased towards the feminine side of things. Your quick and dirty little survey would suggest the same.

    Very curious if this is indeed the case and if so, what causes the bias. Do transmasculine identifying people just touch more grass? Does transfeminine content attract cis men to a larger degree than transmasc content attracts cis women? Therefore causing a bias in content delivery and by effect engagement? Or am I just suffering from confirmation bias and am I more likely to notice transfeminine stuff?

    Feels like this sort of stuff could be a cool research project. And there’s likely a buttload of data available just from regular posts.

    And sorry to all of you enbies for focusing on the extremes of the spectrum. You’re just a little more difficult to fit into these comparisons because your whole deal is defying categorization as either. I promise you are interesting too!