For me, my Dad brought home a laptop from work and we looked up pictures of pokemon and went to the Simpsons website, circa around 1999. How about you?

  • I was obsessed with LEGO as a kid and any time we went somewhere where a computer had internet access, I would go to and visit the site, especially the LEGO backlot they had there. I remember that name but don’t remember exactly what it did or what was there.

    This was around 1999 too.

    When we got our own internet access at home, not just my mom and dad having dial up on their personal laptops, but having a DSL router and we could all plug in (no WiFi just yet, plus I was on a IBM ThinkPad with no WiFi capabilities and only have a USB Ethernet adapter) around 2004/2005, I began getting into MySpace heavily.

    • The flash games on the Lego website were dope. That’s probably my earliest internet memory as well. I still have certain scenes from the Mata Nui point and click adventure game burned into my brain.