EDIT: Don’t vote on this poll if you don’t interact/lurk in this community somewhat regularly. This survey is for those people.

Hi everyone,

I made a survey to better gauge the demographics of this community. I don’t have any reason to, just doing it out of curiosity.

I’m glad that everyone felt free to talk about it in detail and have some good discussion on my previous post, but it made it hard to count all those comments up. Someone suggested that I do this to get more accurate results.

The poll ends on April 6th at 11pm. I’ll post the results when it’s over. You can also view the live results of the poll on the website.

Might make a future one for sexuality. Data is fun, what can I say.

What are your predictions for this poll?

    •  scoobford   ( @scoobford@lemmy.zip ) 
      193 months ago

      I questioned and came to the conclusion that I’m quite happy where I am.

      My partner is nonbinary though, so I lurk in these sorts of spaces so I have at least a little bit of community awareness and understanding.

    • I like to keep aware of trans issues, discourse and general stuff so I can be more supportive of my boyfriend. Also if I see someone struggling with something he conquered, I’d love to be able to pass on anything that can help.

      I love him dearly and I kinda see me trying to keep aware of trans stuff in my social media circles similar to him keeping aware of Jewish stuff in his social media circles.

      Also, queer solidarity. ✊️

    • Voted as cis man, have questioned but still haven’t really felt too out of place how I am. I did feel extremely distressed probably outside of how a normal person would react when I noticed I was getting male pattern baldness however

          • Nothing wrong with questioning. Everybody goes through it to some extent. Most people think for a short amount of time and realize they are happy with who they are and how they perceive themselves.

            Others take longer to come to the same conclusion or even to realize something else about themselves.

            Just wanted to mention that if you’re feeling any guilt or shame for questioning (I did in the beginning) please know that it’s perfectly normal and there are tons of people who are there to support you ❤️

            So try and enjoy your journey where ever you end up. It means you are growing and building a better understanding of yourself ❤️