What have you been playing this week? Do you think others might like it?

    •  Mithra   ( @Mithra@beehaw.org ) 
      22 years ago

      ARR’s story really is a slog for the most part, it has its moments but they are far and between. You probably already heard this, but the story does pick up a lot from the start of Heavensward. The end of Shadowbringer remains one of my most cherished RPG memories to this day.

      •  Poopfeast420   ( @Poopfeast420@feddit.de ) 
        2 years ago

        I didn’t mind the story, I mainly stopped because I thought the different classes all just have too many different buttons, for seemingly no reason. This is from someone whose only other MMO is WoW which has a lot less buttons for all the classes (that I played).

        Also, I had to do those bigger raids, where you couldn’t use the automatic group finder, and I just get a bit too anxious in those situations, especially when I play without friends and have no prior experience with the content.

        However, I want to give the game another shot, because I generally liked it.

    • I’m biased, because I love FF14! If you are in the mood, go play it :) ARR got reworked a lot, and the story gets so much better starting in Heavensward! (I really liked ARR, but many people say they felt it was slow.)