This was a fun and challenging build!

Full gallery here.

I ordered some cheap single board amps and power supplies from AliExpress and used a DSP so each speaker (mid/tweet/sub) has their own dedicated amp and fine tune control ability for the frequency drop-offs, gain, etc.

They sound amazing!

  • Congratulations on your cool build! I keep drooling on these implementations and i hope I’ll muster the courage to build one for myself someday. Youtuber DIYPerks has posted a cool build very recently using 3D printing and plaster of paris that seems to have a great response. Another DIY youtuber ‘Tech Ingredients’ has some very innovative approach using exciters mounted on ceiling panels. is just the latest of his videos in the series where he demonstrates the thing but the other videos in the same series are very informative.

      •  SenorBolsa   ( ) 
        1 year ago

        I managed to make a set of panels sound pretty nice with some DSP, naturally, yeah there’s just too many modalities to deal with though they can be greatly reduced with tweaking exciter positioning, size, and corner radii. was a fun few weekends for me at least. Sounded good with jazz, very natural room filling sound. My best without DSP was always very shouty.