What have you been playing this week? Do you think others might like it?

  • Resident Evil 2 Remake.

    I think if like me you are a total scardey-cat then it’ll be an effort!

    I adore the visuals, the world, how well it runs on my Steam Deck. I have a slight girl-crush on Claire (after a full-blown crush on Jill after playing RE:3 before this!), and a disctinct realisation that if a zombie apocalypse comes? I am toast.

    The issue is I am terrible with scary games! But I am really quite taken with the world in the game!

    5/7 so far

    • Big fan of the atmosphere and fidelity the RE team puts into their games lately (though I’ve only played 7 and RE2: Remake).

      But RE2 left a sour taste with their a/b scenario thing. I thought it was going to be an actual parallel timeline of events instead of just basically the same game. If I’d known that I probably would have skipped it.