Looks like that’s not a good month for reddit.

  • I’m not sure they understand Reddit.

    Did you know they also silently censor users?

    Reddit has been shadowbanning users (making it so their accounts don’t publicly hold data or karma, but allowing them to continue making comments) without telling them they’re shadowbanned for many years now. The idea that Reddit is silently going and removing the content from some users is really not a surprise.

      • They absolutely continued and never stopped. I have a shadowbanned account right now for the crime of signing up under a VPN. This happened last month, it was shadowbanned from the moment of creation. I can post all I want with it, but when someone else tries to look for my posts or profile, it does not exist.

        • Interesting, but like I said, I’m not surprised by those fuckers.

          I think vpn by account creation is a big no no with many providers. Opening an account via public wifi and using vpn afterwards my help.