just a reminder that much of reddit’s collective zeitgeist up to sept 2021 is available via chat-gpt, you just need to ask it the right way.

i’ve gotten best results by saying "what are common ways mentioned on reddit to <insert your question here >

you’ll need to create an account for chat-gpt - no credit card needed.

aldo the new search function in bing uses chat-gpt on the backend but combines it with bing data for more up to date content.


  • I have almost zero experience with bing chat, but I hear good things.

    When I used ChatGPT for maths solutions it absolutely chose the “confidently incorrect” style. Even stating things that made no sense or are easy mistakes… “as 7 is the largest prime”, for example.

    • Uh oh! Hmm… well Bing chat does have three settings for “answer accuracy”: creative, balanced and strict. Don’t know if ChatGPT has something similar? I usually leave it on balanced or strict and haven’t noticed anything weird, but I haven’t really tested its limits either. Give it a go!