I’m sorry for missing last week, I was so in the thick of storm cleanup I genuinely forgot how days work. As an apology, here’s a picture of one of our cherries ready to pop for spring:

What’s growing on with you all?

  •  xylem   ( @xylem@beehaw.org ) 
    52 months ago

    Two 4x8 raised beds from reclaimed wood turned into two raised beds + 4 ground beds when we had some leftover compost… the extra beds will probably be purely experimental / chaos gardens, gonna throw some nitrogen fixers like chickpeas in and see what happens.

    Most of my summer vegetable starts have germinated, which is exciting, though I think I’ll need to replant the brassicas because they got leggy and the old soil I put them in wasn’t great… the pumpkin seedlings look great though!

    Next step is to finish the anti-rabbit fence and finally plant out my onions.

    It’s been kinda depressing to learn how many of the plants in my lawn are Eurasian invasives, but at least I’ll get to make lots of garlic mustard pesto!

      •  xylem   ( @xylem@beehaw.org ) 
        42 months ago

        My shelves were pretty crowded with the onion starts and I just waited a few days too long before rearranging things to make room. I thinkt eh bigger issue now is poor soil, though, I’ll need to top them off with compost, or honestly just plant them out sooner.

        A fan is definitely something I’m missing - will have to set something up