I’m sorry for missing last week, I was so in the thick of storm cleanup I genuinely forgot how days work. As an apology, here’s a picture of one of our cherries ready to pop for spring:

What’s growing on with you all?

  • I have it on good authority that it’s practically a jungle on a balcony

    Now who told you that! :D no supplemental lights being used, just natural sunlight from about 8AM to 6-7PM give or take. I’ll have to rearrange and move them closer to the end, there’s a spot that receives more direct light than where they were. Think they’re just needing more light?

    I really ought to just set up some sort of secured platform on the railing and get them out there during the day. Thinking that’s a weekend project after we go to the farmer’s market!

    • A little birdy bee told me

      I think they would benefit from more light, yes. Many of the pumpkins we start tend to have true leaves come in while the cotyledons (starter leaves) are still within a few cm of the soil. I have to go through some photos later today and I’ll see if I can find a picture of our last set of starts for you