I haven’t been on here as much as normal as I’ve had a busy week(for me). How is everyone? Anything cool happen?Anything to get off your chest? Or Just shoot the breeze

  •  Witch   ( @Witch@beehaw.org ) 
    91 year ago

    After roughly five hours of phone calls, on Friday I somehow managed to get a lead on getting my mother back on social assistance. We have an appointment tomorrow for her to apply. I’m hoping that the application actually goes through and we don’t once again get told to screw off.

    I’m gonna be exhausted this week!! I have so many appointments.

    • I was a social worker for a while in what feels like a past life. Trust me, it’s infuriating on their end as well there’s nothing more frustrating than trying to help someone in need and being blocked by red tape and bureaucracy. I hope all goes well, my thoughts are with you

      •  Witch   ( @Witch@beehaw.org ) 
        21 year ago

        Thank you, I am super incredibly nervous but I hope it ends up going well. Kinda sucks trying to support another person when I myself am on poverty-level social assistance, but if both of us are on it, it will relieve a lot of stress.