The show’s good btw…

  • FWIW, book three is basically “a feminized society is incapable of making the hard but necessary choices”. I like the series for its concepts, but not its themes or characters. It has a lot of Incel-adjacent stuff going on.

    That said, when we’re being so half hearted about global warming, it’s hard not to be cynical. People want the solutions to keep everything the same, but without carbon output. It’s not going to work that way.

    We’re having a hard time convincing people that they don’t need an EV with 600 miles of range if you’re just willing to rest for 20 minutes every two to four hours of driving. Which would be a good idea, anyway. That’s a relatively minor change compared to the status quo.

    The real solution is high speed rail and bikes. How do we get people to go along with that if we can’t even go so far as small changes to road trips?

    • Thank you, I have been saying the same thing about the books for a while now. They are incredibly misogynistic and the characters are pretty badly written. And yet I still keep seeing them recommended. They remind me of the old scifi novels like Niven and shit where its just a few cool scifi concepts and then a heaping load of sexism.

      I listened to them on audiobook, most books I read more than once, don’t plan on going back to them though. A good series I recently listened to was the wayfarers by becky chambers, very good characters.

        • In the US, it’s getting there, but not good enough.

          I just did a trip to Minneapolis and tried to use some of the chargers around the suburb of Plymouth. They chose a deployment based on the DirtRoad app, which is terrible. Totally broken. Tried three different L3 stations and they all errored out in unique ways.

          Came down to going to the other side of the city to a Walmart, with only a few miles of range to spare. Of all places, Walmart seems to at least have reliable chargers.

          US needs lots more L3 chargers, and tons more L2 chargers in places you’ll tend to be a while (hotels and event parking and such). Once that’s done, though, there isn’t much call for more than 400 miles of range, tops. Further battery improvements can go into making it cheaper and lighter, not go longer.