Right now it seems like its “A.I.”. Still big now are the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine. Recently we had COVID 19.

What’s next?

  •  stoy   ( @stoy@lemmy.zip ) 
    2 months ago

    Looking at the U.S. political situation, fascism seems to be getting closer every day.

    In fact, if you look at a lot of other western nations, fascist ideas are springing up all over.

    If feels like the world is even more crazy than it used to be, and the current period of crazy started in 2016 with Brexit, then Trumps win snd presidency, rolling into covid, then Trump got ejected, Russia intencified the war in Ukraine, the Hamas shat the bed and now Israel is going batshit insane, oh and during the two last years, two social media sites have decided to just oblitirate most of their good content generators, X is just fucking over everything that was twitter, and Reddit is slowly imploding since the apicalypse.

    I just had a look on Wikipedia, and damn there has been a LOT of shit going down since the start of 2016…

    • The election of Trump in 2016 was the culmination of many factors from the previous 50 years, all of which lead to a very predictable outcome.

      • Reaganomics loosening regulation on corporations, lowering taxes on the wealthy, and defunding public education
      • Rush Limbaugh and Fox news fostering rural nationalism
      • the advent of the internet which allowed those people to find each other and exchange their poorly informed ideas
      • the perception that politicians were prioritizing “them” over “real Americans”
      • 9/11 and the resulting surveillance state and 24h sensationalist news cycle.

      By the time Obama was in office, Republicans and Democrats lived in different realities. Republicans just wanted someone who was willing to stand on stage and spout their version of reality, and Trump is the right combination of insecure and stupid to want to do that. He was an inevitable symptom of a decades long problem.

    • Don’t forget Europe. Here, the far right is also racially motivated. My country’s (Portugal) far right party shot up in votes in the last election and has repeatedly villanized roma people. I hear the AfD is also pretty concerning.