my Retroid Flip came in yesterday and I’m already a big fan of it. got RetroArch and Daijisho so it’s good to go.

so give me your retro game reps! This thing can play games on Android, and the following consoles (that I care about)

  • NES

  • SNES

  • N64

  • Sega Master System

  • Sega CD

  • Sega 32X

  • Sega Saturn

  • Sega Dreamcast

  • Neo-Geo

  • PS1

  • Game Boy

  • Game Boy Color

  • Game Boy Advance

  • Nintendo DS

  • Playstation Portable

It can also play every Arcade System (MAME, etc) and home computer (amiga, the C64 i guess lol)

it plays some stuff on the GameCube and PS2, but not very well.

throw whatever at me, doesn’t matter how obscure! the only caveat is that for DS games, stuff that rarely uses touch controls is preferred unless it has a dpad patch like the zelda games.

  •  mint   ( ) OP
    22 years ago

    So far I still love it! It’s been with me on my trip in Japan and it’s been doing a fantastic job of keeping me occupied during the downtime. Fantastic battery life and the hinge is still going strong, which was my biggest worry. But yeah I can recommend it wholeheartedly!