•  Queen HawlSera   ( @HawlSera@lemm.ee ) 
    5 months ago

    I would be all in favor of “Use it or lose it” rights to Digital Distribution… Don’t offer a reasonable way to access a product? Can’t bitch when Abandonware sites give it away for nothing.

    • There is an expiration date for IP. But I have little idea what type it goes under.

      I just assume the reason old, barely functional games get the odd 1.3kb update every once in a blue moon is to “refresh” that expiration date.

      • Copyright is not “use it or lose it”, but as it is, it is unworkable for digital media. Computer hardware doesn’t last a century and with no other measures being taken to preserve that content, it’s effectively doomed by the law. It also doesn’t reflect a world where average people make edits of copyrighted content as a means of expression without seeing any problem with that.