I haven’t been on here as much as normal as I’ve had a busy week(for me). How is everyone? Anything cool happen?Anything to get off your chest? Or Just shoot the breeze

  • I had a really nice week! I took the week off and it lined up nicely with my partner being mostly off too. We took a day to go out cycling and sea swimming. Also got to sit in the pub with their friends which I hadn’t done in ages. I was also invited to a book club meeting which my friend runs because apparently no one had read the book they were meant to and she had loads of food going spare. I met some really nice people through that! I hope I get to hang out with them again. I might even read some books haha!

    Starting a new job today teaching! I’m nervous af and super apprehensive but I’m always like this before something new. I’m sure it’ll be fine once I settle into the new routine. Just have to get over those first week jitters!