For the last few years I’ve been using the Bear app on my Mac devices, but it hasn’t been updated for a year, so I’m looking for an alternative.

What do you use to get inspiration and how? Do you collect inspiration at all, or do you doom-scroll through inspiration sites? If so, where? :)

  •  zzobi   ( ) OP
    32 years ago

    Bear is a note-taking app that looks nice and allows you to set and search for hashtags. Very simple. Maybe too simple. I’m a graphic designer and use it for all sorts of inspiration — from business card layouts to UX design.

    I will be checking out Obsidian and Drafts. Thanks for this.

    • I recommend obsidian as well! It uses markdown which has hashtags, but brings a wealth of formatting tools and linking between notes. I searched high and low for a solution for my notes and landed on that. I do use 1Writer for my iPhone and then sync Obsidian on desktop with SyncThing (didn’t want to pay for obsidian sync).