• If theres anything that I took away from my 3 years of trying to get a physics degree before burning out on it around covid hit, its that like half of physics seems to be just figuring out what approximations you can safely make to turn something infeasibly complicated into something that can actually be worked out

    • That’s pretty much the same in most fields, especially in the engineering direction. Idealized gases are idealized, steel beams are assumed to have a certain stiffness just by convention, and your entire existence is represented by a bunch of form fields stored in a database somewhere.

      • Isn’t a lot of engineering basically applied physics though anyway? Just reversed, such that rather than studying or predicting how a physical system should behave, you’re trying to take what has been learned over time and use it to work backwards to create a system that exhibits desired behavior

        • In the sense, medicine is applied physics, just as everything else.

          Thing is, you always break down a problem into just enough details to solve the problem. Not more. No physicist studying, say, airflow over the Atlantic will take quantum effects or relativistic effects into account. Magnetic fields are also ignored. Even clouds are surprisingly “low res” in most simulations.

          • Mathematics is the only true science.

            Physics is applied mathematics.

            Chemistry is applied physics.

            Biology is applied chemistry.

            Psychology is applied biology.

            Sociology is applied psychology.

            Et al.

          • In the sense, medicine is applied physics

            I mean yeah. Insert the relevant XKCD here.

            But in a more direct sense, medicine is applied chemistry. (With chemistry itself being applied physics.)