• That’s where we can agree on.

        Hence the “irrationally grossed out” part. It’s not a controlled thing, I’m not choosing to feel grossed out, I just do. So you can understand that your reply was akin to telling an arachophobe: “You’re probably a city dweller that’s never been to the countryside, we have them everywhere there”. It comes off as arrogant and know-it-all.

        I have nothing personal against you though.

        • Oh psh, everybodies house is full of spiders and other friendlies. Also you can treat phobias unless they’re extremely severe.

          So yes, an arachnaphobe probably hasn’t worked with spiders :p

          I’m significantly afraid of heights, like woozy standing on a chair fear, hasn’t stopped me doing maintenance on a roof or riding all the horrifying giant drop rides/cross canyon flying foxes etc I come across. Fear doesn’t stop you doing stuff, you just have to do it scared.

          Sorry, i’m drunk there was a point in there though, that exposure makes it possible to do stuff like work on the roof. And if I was way a lineswoman I would probably no more be afraid of heights by necessity. Humans adapt, only terminally online weirdos think you’re stuck in the condition you’re currently in.