Why are people quick to ban or block because a comment makes them angry, rather than engage, debate or respectfully strongly disagree and leave the discussion at that?

Why can’t people handle talking with someone who has a completely different view who can explain why they are against something that was said?

  • For those hate filled debaters, I already know those points and to parrot them to me would be a waste of time. They would turn against me in real life anyway, because I was born a member of the groups they want to debate about. My existence is not up for debate and I would physically attack anyone that tries to rob me of my right to thrive. It’s tiring and downright nauseating to have your right to live free be up for public debate. No one else has to deal with that except for those of us the right wing targets. They don’t have to turn on the news and see folks condemned to prison, death, or worse because of who they are and think, “they are trying to make conditions here like that.”

    Their strategy is to claim they can’t speak on their hate and then once they can they try to sway as many as they can to their side. Then you end up with laws targeting your right to thrive. Sorry, deplatforming for hate is the way to go.