Jesus when are stockholders going to realize what he’s like at the helm and kick him out of CEO? This is the first thing I’ve heard about Musk doing anything with Tesla since Twitter happened. How do stockholders trust this man. Throwing away everything about him, this is an absent CEO who learned about one project that everyone was watching, he comes in, kicks down the door, and first response is to fire the whole team. To me, that says “this company is a shitshow”
There is one stockholder that has tried multiple times. The issue is the whole Tesla board are all his cronies, and a large portion of stockholders have bought into the cult of personality
It’s the weird magic of leftist reality: Elon Musk of all people has a cult of personality. The man is the most boring person I’ve ever heard speak, ever, and yet somehow he’s just coasting on this “cult of personality”.
Either he’s breaking all the molds, or there was no mold to begin with.
Musk isn’t left though? He is very far right. He gained popularity by keeping quiet (at first) and doing stuff like promising not to sue companies that use their patents, and developing a ton of EV infrastructure. Turns out he couldn’t keep his mouth shut and is also just a rich asshole. But a lot of people bought in early and made loving Elon a personality trait. So here we are
I have no doubt he will get his blasted pay raise, but it went from being a “surefire bet” to a “bet” in the past few weeks. Collapses usually start slow and then they pick up speed
Jesus when are stockholders going to realize what he’s like at the helm and kick him out of CEO? This is the first thing I’ve heard about Musk doing anything with Tesla since Twitter happened. How do stockholders trust this man. Throwing away everything about him, this is an absent CEO who learned about one project that everyone was watching, he comes in, kicks down the door, and first response is to fire the whole team. To me, that says “this company is a shitshow”
There is one stockholder that has tried multiple times. The issue is the whole Tesla board are all his cronies, and a large portion of stockholders have bought into the cult of personality
It’s amazing that someone with such a garbage personality has a cult of personality.
It is not uncommon
It’s the confidence with which he sprouts his nonsense. People flock to confident personalities, because they must know a lot of things (presumably).
It’s the weird magic of leftist reality: Elon Musk of all people has a cult of personality. The man is the most boring person I’ve ever heard speak, ever, and yet somehow he’s just coasting on this “cult of personality”.
Either he’s breaking all the molds, or there was no mold to begin with.
Musk isn’t left though? He is very far right. He gained popularity by keeping quiet (at first) and doing stuff like promising not to sue companies that use their patents, and developing a ton of EV infrastructure. Turns out he couldn’t keep his mouth shut and is also just a rich asshole. But a lot of people bought in early and made loving Elon a personality trait. So here we are
I have no doubt he will get his blasted pay raise, but it went from being a “surefire bet” to a “bet” in the past few weeks. Collapses usually start slow and then they pick up speed
not only the board won’t fire him, but probably would even vote towards approving that bonus he’s craving
Maybe he’s looking to retire and the board wants to make whoever follows him look like a godsend.