Why are people quick to ban or block because a comment makes them angry, rather than engage, debate or respectfully strongly disagree and leave the discussion at that?

Why can’t people handle talking with someone who has a completely different view who can explain why they are against something that was said?

  • “Simply don’t engage, ignore it, and continue on with life.” making that decision takes some small amount of time, energy, and attention, all of which, at least for me, are limited. If someone demonstrates they aren’t worth my time to engage with, and engaging with them makes my day worse, it’s logical to block them, it’s only a benefit to me in the future.

      • We were discussing “Why are people quick to ban or block” those terms only relate to online spaces. Please don’t try to change the topic to real life interactions, I would hate to think you are being disingenuous in this debate, I know how much that offends you.